Ilford SFX 200 Black & White Negative- 35mm Film, 36 Exposures, Single Roll
ILFORD SFX 200 is a medium speed black & white film with extended red sensitivity which makes it the perfect choice for infra-red style images.
When used with a deep red filter, SFX 200 renders blue skies almost black and green vegetation almost white to create a stunning infra-red look to your shots.
Unlike traditional infra-red materials, SFX 200 can be loaded in subdued light and is compatible with all normal black & white developers producing high quality negatives of moderate contrast.
SFX 200 can also be used with other colored filters such as yellow, orange or light red to produce equally dramatic special effects.
- Panchromatic B&W Negative Film
- ISO 200/24° in Standard Process
- Extended Red Sensitivity to 740nm
- Infrared Appearance with Deep Red Filter
- Wide Exposure Latitude and Tonal Range