Enthusiast’s Guide Lightroom
Enthusiast’s Guide Lightroom
If you’re a passionate photographer and you’re ready to take your work to the next level, The Enthusiast’s Guide book series was created just for you. Whether you’re diving head first into a new topic or exploring a classic theme, Enthusiast’s Guides are designed to help you quickly learn more about a topic, subject, or software so you can improve your photography.
The Enthusiast’s Guide to Lightroom: 55 Photographic Principles You Need to Knowteaches you how to get the most out of Adobe Lightroom. Chapters arebroken down into a series of numbered lessons, with each lessonproviding what you need to get started on your journey to harnessingLightroom’s power in order to organize, process, and share your images.In this book, which is divided into 7 chapters that include 50photographic lessons to help you conquer Lightroom, photographer andauthor Rafael “RC” Concepcion covers organizing, importing, developing,outputting, and sharing your images with Adobe Lightroom.
Written in a friendly and approachable manner and illustrated with examples that drive home each lesson, The Enthusiast’s Guide to Lightroomis designed to be effective and efficient, friendly and fun. Read anentire chapter at once, or read just one topic at a time. With eitherapproach, you’ll quickly learn a lot so you can confidently dive intoLightroom and create stunning images.