Westcott Scrim Jim Cine 6′ x 6′ 1/2-Stop Grid Cloth Diffuser 1916
Sj Cine 6×6′ 1/2 Grid Cloth
This high-quality, half-stop grid cloth diffusion fabric is for use with a 6’ x 6’ Scrim Jim Cine Frame. Heavy-duty touch fastener lines the Scrim Jim Cine 1/2-Stop Grid Cloth Diffuser Fabric, allowing for quick placement on the Scrim Jim Cine Frame.
Simultaneously direct and diffuse ambient and artificial lighting with 1/4-stop and 1/2-stop Scrim Jim Cine Grid Cloths. These innovative fabrics are perfect for large main light sources and when shooting in bright outdoor lighting.
The Scrim Jim Cine is a compete modular frame system designed for filmmakers and photographers. The Scrim Jim Cine is the ultimate light control tool, giving users the ability to cut, block, reflect, diffuse, and direct light both on-set and on-location.